Sep 23, 2014

Scenes of a Move

I've moved studio to the Midland Building, just a bit north and west from the old location. Here's a taste; I'll post more when everything's set.

Sep 9, 2014

NEW WORK: 2 Bent Hickory Necklaces

Two bentwood hickory necklaces in two different forms, with magnetic closures.

Simplicity is an important challenge. 

Sep 4, 2014

NEW WORK: ARC SERIES Hickory & Walnut Pendant

"Who knows when first/aortic arches/registered/an ocean’s surge,/or slipped awake/or stirred asleep;/how many tides/had ebbed until/the tiny seahorse/heart could leap?"

This pendant is part of my ARC series: using bent wood segments as forms on their own terms. 

Sep 2, 2014

NEW WORK: Titanium & Shou Sugi Ban Oblong Hinge Cuff

“The urge to destroy is also a creative urge.” (Pablo Picasso)

When I use Shou Sugi Ban there is an element of burning away but also preserving what is underneath. It's a beautiful tension.