Nov 19, 2012

Coming Full Circle with Dark Rye

Coming Full Circle from Dark Rye on Vimeo.

I've never felt like more of a rockstar than during this project with Dark Rye - an online magazine and division of Whole Foods.

In early October, I was whisked away to Brooklyn to enjoy a beautiful evening of amazing food, drinks and the coolest people. The festivities were followed by four days of intense filming for a video that highlights my company Simply Wood Rings and how I became a wood jeweler.  

The experience was rewarding in many ways. I feel extremely honored to have my art acknowledged by creative and thoughtful people. (ie. Caitlin and Kelly of Dark Rye - Thank you!). Each of us came from different perspectives but are working towards the same fundamental existence. 

An existence where our passions are an integral part of our lives. As a society we've moved so far away from creating our own existence. We are shuffled into a routine that doesn't enrich our lives, but only feeds the machine. I have been there in my life and now I see the importance of rejecting those ideas of how we should live and live in a way that feeds the soul. 

Below are a few examples of the salvaged wood rings I have created over the years. I incorporate found materials as a way of giving new life to discarded objects and imbedding meaning into each ring I create. I've used wood from such things as xylophone keys, baseball bats, childhood swings and dino bone.
Available at