Mar 19, 2012

ἕλιξ (Greek: twisted, curved)

The word helix comes from the Greek word ἕλιξ, "twisted, curved".[2] (wikipedia)

Mar 8, 2012

Tactility & Visuality

Cherry & Silver
I was drawn to the way the wood responded to the cuts. There are strong ridges in the wood creating a unique texture that creates a very appealing tactile and visual effect.
Walnut, Silver & Gold Leaf, prototype

Mar 7, 2012

life force

Wind Language 
The wind blows strong in Chicago today. In many ancient cultures the wind represents life force. All we can do is surrender.

Mar 6, 2012

The designers mantra.

Form & Function

Aaah... a powerful statement in the world of design, it could even be considered cliché. For me, it is a mantra. Something I say to myself to ease my troubled mind. The clasp of this new design exhibits the functionality of holding the piece on the body and simultaneously acts as the ornament... Bringing us closer to enlightenment.


Form & Function in Walnut

Mar 2, 2012


Sometimes the hardest part of creating something new is naming it! Any ideas for this piece? 

This is a prototype for a new piece. These square forms are totally new and feel like a breath of fresh air.